Basic Ancestry Get started video.
You can test drive Ancestry with a 14 day free trial.
To start your first tree go to Ancestry and click on the big orange button that says “CLICK FOR FREE TRIAL
- Fill in you name and email address.
- Fill in payment information ($0 for 14 days.)
- Review and complete your order.
In the middle of the thank you screen is a green Start button which takes you to the Get started video
Remember that information of living individuals is protected as private information.
First add yourself and your birth information, then the same for your father and mother.
Then add information you know about your grandparents connecting them to you parents.
Continue with what you know to great-grandparents.
Filling in what you know will lead to to the questions to fill in your blanks.
Here is Ancestry’s Getting-Started-Lesson-1-Starting-Your-Tree and an example video.